
Silver Point

June, 2005


And a hush fell over the land, and a Voice from the heavens spoke unto the People of the Expedition, saying: "How is it that Thou art here? By what route come Ye to be amidst the splendor of this high and lonely place?"

And the Leader of the Expedition answered the Heavenly Voice, saying: "I don't even know HOW the hell we got here ... but I'm pretty sure we are!"

And the Heavenly Voice spoke again, saying unto the Leader of the Expedition: "Right on, Dude"



a.k.a. 'Hill 6730'



Silver Fork; American River




Thunder Mountain from Silver Point




These little jewels might be just off the trail - or miles in ...



And the Voice was heard again, offering words of guidance and direction unto the People:

Proceed east-bound on L-1 to L-2 north to DryGround intersection, rest of the route unchanged



On moonlit nights in summer, Mountain Trolls hold gatherings in clearings like this



Confluence of the Silver Fork; American River (center background) and Caples Creek (far left)


